Category Archives: News

Rsync Client – Pro Edition – Version 2017.10.15 Released

– Added ‘initial path’ option to the server record – for connecting straight into the specified directory.
– Fixed the effectiveness of the Dry Run and Detailed Logging checkboxes.
– Enhanced some odd occasions where rsync uses the error stream for advisories. These are now logged rather than causing alerts.
– Enhanced some informational messages to give a little more detail.

Rsync Client is detailed further here.

Rsync Client – Pro Edition – Version 2017.10.04 Released

– Added checkboxes to quickly enable rsync’s most powerful features – such as version-controlling, bandwidth-management, retention of partial transfers, etc.
– Previously hard-coded, application-defined defaults can now be overridden for a near-command-line level of control.
– Added restore-defaults button to preferences.
– Added create-file function to remote file manager.

Rsync Client is detailed further here.

Rsync Client – Pro Edition – Version 2017.09.16 Released

– Fixed: File size representation is now faithful and matches Finder.
– Fixed: Uploaded folders now uploaded as folders (rather than expanding to contents).
– Fixed hang in progress window (in two edge-cases).
– Enhanced: Error reporting dialogue now has a more meaningful title and buttons (and logs advisories instead of popping them up as spurious errors).
– Enhanced: Headers in tables no longer get weird highlight when dragging-and-dropping on older OSes (e.g. Mac OS X 10.9).

Rsync Client is detailed further here.

Rsync Client 2017.07.30 Released

Rsync Client version 2017.07.30 is released.

– Now parses an (optional) custom port from the address field.
– Further improves exception reporting.
– Enhanced initial handshaking stage.

Rsync Client is detailed further here and available for download here.

Rsync Client 2017.07.29 Released

Rsync Client version 2017.07.29 is released.

– Enhanced wording and formatting of all alert dialogues.
– Fixed crash when trying to navigate into a ‘permission denied’ folder. (Now just reports ‘permission denied’.)

Rsync Client is detailed further here and available for download here.